The Vulture - First Mate



he/him, 6'5, your guess on his age is as good as anyone's

Excerpt from a foremasthand's journal aboard the Azoth:

"...As for the first mate, that's a menacing figure if i've ever seen one. Not like Davey is--fear-inducing in stature and brawn--but with a keen eye and strangely sharp with a speargun. Speaking of eyes[...] we've taken to calling him "the Vulture," and anyone who's had the misfortune of meeting him would know why. For the sake of any poor soul who may find this, however, I'll explain: he's got what looks to be a burn scar on his left cheek, curling over his brow and framing what has to be the most piercing eye I've ever witnessed. He doesn't see, he scours, observing the things and people around him with perception of a hawk. That was originally what the other deckhands thought of calling him since we had no other name to call him by--Hawk--but his current name took its place when Aibek found him crouched over that hellish beast (the very same that took me overboard), curved knife in hand and blood dripping from his front. He rose, barely moving, his lone eye piercing straight into the poor kid like his titular bird of prey. That creature had been felled by the man's (?) mere blade. That's the way Aibek tells it, at least, and God knows how he enjoys tall tales. Still, I cannot help but wonder what conditions could have born such a sailor..."