Varun Maharaj - Second Mate



he/him, 6'1, 37 years old, Indian

Excerpt from a foremasthand's journal aboard the Azoth:

"...I don't know the man very well, mostly due to the fact I usually work under Third Mate Fu Shui. He's kind, amicable enough (he's certainly better company than his superior), and nearly every soul who worked this vessel before me holds him in high esteem. He's the easiest to get along with out of the three mates, that's for sure, and if we weren't bound to this grueling work I could see myself befriending him. He's often a target of the crew's jabs due to his wit and general charisma and is known to fire back with some of his own. I can't say much else about his personality but his capability in the field is inarguable. While the Vulture may have more tact with a blade, the second mate commands the crew with unwavering respect and a tangible devotion to the cause, ensuring the safety of everyone aboard..."